Our ancestors often relied upon maps as static aids to help them navigate to their destination. But sometimes the maps they used were outdated and not always reliable. In such cases, they were in need of a better map.
Modern genealogists rely upon static aids and convenient or familiar methodology to keep family history research moving in a productive direction. But in complex cases regarding blocked-lineage problems where focal questions remain unanswered, frustrated researchers could use a better plan.
Are you in need of a better research plan?
You’ve already amassed a mound of paper evidence and have pursued every resource you could find concerning your ancestor. But your research efforts have taken a detour. Nowadays your methods keep leading you in circles—down that same old path which leads to nowhere. You’re still faced with that frustrating question, “How do I move my research forward?”
In order to diagnose and identify your research barrier, three principle questions need to be addressed:
- What have you done? (the scope of your prior research)
- What do you know? (personal knowledge gained from sources already consulted)
- What would you like to know? (your present expectation)
In order to best evaluate those questions and information, it is essential to conduct a formal review of your prior body of work. Knowledge gained from the formal review can then be used to formulate a research plan to enable future research.
My written research plan for your next course of action will:
- provide a fluid plan featuring a listing of multiple record-search objectives and/or research objectives
- provide a time estimation to address each objective (when deemed as estimable)
- suggest a re-investigation of target aspects of prior research (if required)
- enable you to decide what to do next (you conduct the work vs. hiring out)
- help you get back on track to learning more about your ancestors
To submit your request for a formal review and development of your research plan, please fill out my NEW PLAN REQUEST form.